4G Internet users in Rwanda have reached 4.5 million

Date: 2025-02-02
The National Agency for Monitoring the Performance of Certain Public Service Agencies (RURA), has revealed that the number of 4G internet users in Rwanda continues to decline, reaching 4,538,079.

 The increase occurred after the 4G Internet provider in Rwanda, Korea Telecom Rwanda Networks (KTRN), was stripped of its monopoly, and other telecommunications companies were given access.

 This made it easier for companies like MTN, Airtel and other Internet service providers to sell 4G internet. RURA indicated that in one year of the decision, the number of 4G users increased by 776%, from 518,111 people in June 2023, to 4,538,079 people in September 2024. 

The Chief Technology Officer of RURA, Gahungu Charles told The NewTimes that the step to increase the 4G and 5G coverage across the country will involve all those in the field including MTN, Airtel and others in order to close the gap. 

He pointed out that Airtel has now launched an advanced calling system known as VoLTE, which helps to facilitate communication during calls and that MTN is in the process of launching it.

 He stressed that the decision taken by the Government of Rwanda will improve the way of patience in business and the provision of good services.

He said, “Customers can now choose to use MTN, Airtel and KTRN to access 4G, while previously it was exclusive to KTRN. Companies like MTN have 3G and 4G internet and at the same price, of course, they have improved the way people access the internet because it is cheaper.”

 He confirmed that these changes will also make a significant contribution to expanding the network and infrastructure needed for Rwanda to use 5G internet. 

The Director of the 4G Internet Trading Company, Mango 4G, Niyomugabo Eric, expressed that the presence of patience in the business allows investors to innovate and improve the way they provide services in order to attract customers. 

He said, "This has helped us reduce costs in terms of infrastructure, making the services we provide more flexible and easily accessible to the public, especially in areas we do not reach." 

"For us to stay afloat in this ever-evolving market, it has required us to create a way of bringing constant innovation that differentiates us from our competitors in the market." 

4G Internet service providers are currently eyeing 5G to continue to expand service offerings, strengthen the use of technology in a variety of ways, and maintain business continuity. 

Currently, Rwanda is the third country in Africa to have high-speed internet, coming in 16 countries on the international market.

Currently, Rwanda is the third country in Africa to have high-speed internet, coming in 16 countries on the international market. 

The analysis shows that the number of people with phones capable of receiving 5G is increasing every year at the rate of 10% to 15%.

 In October 2023, Rwanda conducted the first test aimed at providing 5G internet from telecommunications technology equipment placed in the air.

 The test showed that the Japanese company Softbank's network provided 5G internet for at least 73 days in the air.

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